“Of course it’s not properly regulated. Pharmacy overall is not properly regulated. Pharmacy regulation consists of low-hanging fruit, and the odd high-profile case once someone commits a serious crime. Justification …

Debbie Rigby presents the latest in research news relevant to pharmacists Benzodiazepines are Prescribed More Frequently to Patients Already at Risk for Benzodiazepine-Related Adverse Events in Primary Care A one-year …

Eye ointment supply crisis ends Supply of Zovirax Ophthalmic ointment is set to resume, the TGA has said in a new alert. Unused stock of Zovirax was recalled in October 2014 …

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has expressed his support for community pharmacy in a letter to the Pharmacy Guild. He says a returned Coalition government would ensure funds allocated under the …

A Victorian man who attempted to rob a pharmacy while armed with a knife as a “cry for help” has been sentenced to two years’ imprisonment for the crime. In …

After wild weather lashed the east coast this weekend, many people are facing a significant cleanup task ahead – but health considerations, particularly asthma, need to be front of mind. …

Sigma Pharmaceuticals has entered China’s e-commerce market with a plan to tap into an enormous source of new customers. The Chinese version of Amcal’s online store, launched on Monday 6 …

Pharmacy Guild executive director has written to the editor of The Good Weekend to congratulate the magazine on its article, The Pain Killers. The feature article, by Stephanie Wood, told …

More people than ever are heading to the internet to purchase their cosmetics and skincare products Latest figures from Roy Morgan Research reveal online cosmetics and skincare purchases have seen …

“Assistant: (While receiving script) Have you used this medication before? Patient: Yeah I have used it for ages. Targin’s great because it isn’t habit forming. Me: O.o” Post a comment. …

People have been taking it daily rather than weekly as prescribed A drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease has been linked to numerous deaths since …

Cough and cold medicine ingredient linked to allergy and skin reaction risk The TGA has warned that medicines containing bromhexine have been linked to a small risk of severe allergic …