New migrants to Australia generally eat more healthy diets than the locals but many are dragged into bad habits by Australia’s fast food culture, new research has found. The study …

Amcal has been voted by the Australian public as the winner of the Readers Digest Quality Service Award for the second year running. The public voted Amcal as the leading …

Negotiating text leaked online last week raises serious concerns for worldwide access to medicines, warns the Public Health Association of Australia. “A proposed intellectual property chapter to Regional Comprehensive Economic …

“Have been advised by Medicare authority that Paracetamol 665mg tabs only covered for Repat, Palliative Care, and CTG patients. This limits the majority of the general population for a first-line …

A pharmacist who threw a phone and verbally abused his business partner and told a staff member to “go and tell more lies,” among other incidents, has had his application …

Pharmacy news from around the world Tulsa, Oklahoma: Buzzfeed has reported on an Oklahoma pharmacy that sold execution drugs to Missouri and last week auctioned off its assets, following loan …

A new five-mornings after pill is now available in Australia The EllaOne pill, available on prescription from this week, is being distributed in Australia by MS Health, a non-profit arm …

One treatment in particular drove pharmaceutical sales growth in 2015 A report by US pharmaceutical industry news website First World Pharma has listed the 50 fastest selling drug brands in …

The Australian Government should follow the UK and provide funding support for integrating pharmacists into general practice clinics, according to the PSA. The British Department of Health – through NHS …

Debbie Rigby wraps up the latest research news relevant to pharmacists… Systematic review of red yeast rice compared with simvastatin in dyslipidaemia Red yeast rice is believed to be a …

Stakeholders have expressed disappointment in the PBAC’s restatement of its decision to delist Panadol Osteo, and concerns that patients may turn to stronger alternatives to manage their pain. The PBAC …

Your trash—someone else’s treasure? Not necessarily, write Judith A Singleton, Esther TL Lau and Lisa M Nissen What if we told you the antibiotics your patients threw in the garbage …