Learning together with other health professionals is becoming more mainstream for pharmacists and future pharmacists, according to the FIP Education Initiative Report. The report, Interprofessional education in a pharmacy context: …

Home-grown cosmetics brands are carving out a niche for themselves in the Australian market, according to the latest findings from Roy Morgan Research – and in some cases, giving global …

Last night’s ABC Four Corners program investigating unnecessary testing and treatments was a timely reminder of the need for both clinicians and consumers to question low-value care in the Australian …

On World Heart Day, the Heart Foundation has revealed Aussie kids are choosing to spend “truly disturbing” amounts of time sitting and staring at various electronic gadgets, instead of being …

Arthritis Australia is calling for an urgent review of care arrangements for people with knee and back pain following a Four Corners report that millions of health dollars are being …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia (NSW Branch) says it is pleased to support the NSW Government’s commitment to paying the patient co-payments for Section 100 (s100) Highly Specialised Drugs. This …

Giovanni M. Pauletti, Associate Professor of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics at the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, is to take on the role of Scientific …

Pharmacists around the world are celebrating World Pharmacists Day today, says FIP. The International Pharmaceutical Federation says it has heard about a variety of events being prepared by its member …

Tackling the growing burden of obesity and its associated diseases requires a multifactorial approach, writes Louis Roller. Obesity may be defined as an increase in body fatness resulting in impaired …

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement of a funding boost for GP training to identify and respond to cases of domestic violence. The ‘Women’s …

Health Minister Sussan Ley has criticised pharmaceutical companies for dragging their feet on bringing new drugs to the Australian market and prioritising applying to lucrative markets overseas. “Australia has a …

A Deakin University researcher is looking to lift the taboo on the sexual dysfunction that is often an unspoken side-effect for the 3.72 million Australians living with cardiovascular disease. Dr …