It’s time for a national system for the Electronic Recording and Reporting of Controlled Drugs, says Pharmacy Guild executive director David Quilty. Writing in this week’s edition of Guild newsletter …

NPS MedicineWise has announced that Be Medicinewise Week will be held again this year from 12-18 October 2015, with a theme of “Be medicinewise at all ages and life stages”. …

Early results of an Ebola vaccine efficacy trial show 100% efficacy in individuals, says the World Health Organization. Results from an interim analysis of the Guinea Phase III efficacy vaccine trial …

Pharmacists can’t assume their patients are equipped to make good health decisions, writes Ben Basger How health literate are your patients? Health literacy is the ability to access, understand and …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has welcomed the release of the discussion paper ‘Better outcomes for people with chronic and complex health conditions through primary health care.’ Releasing the discussion …

Australia has achieved a major milestone in patient safety, reaching one billion prescriptions dispensed electronically through eRx. Electronic transfer of prescriptions improves patient safety by increasing confidence that the correct medications are …

A new report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows that there have been some improvements in cardiac care and lower death rates from cardiac conditions for Aboriginal …

The TGA has advised that more children’s medicines are being recalled, because they have been supplied in bottles where grooves that secure the lids can break off during opening. The …

Most Australians would like to see pharmacists have a greater role in patient care in the community, a survey by the Consumers Health Forum has found. In a finding that …

Research by the University of Iowa has found patients with uncontrolled hypertension had better blood pressure control when being cared for by pharmacists working in care teams (with a physician, …

New research shows that one in three active NSW adults drink sports or intra-workout drinks at least once a week while exercising – but they’re not aware that these acidic …

Adolescents and young adults are often left out of the equation when it comes to understanding the implications of diabetes on their home, school, work and social life, says a …