Health Minister Sussan Ley says she wants to turn around the issue of ‘slow’ access to new medicines, which she says is caused by drug companies. Medicines manufacturers prefer to …

Medicines Australia has welcomed the recommendations of an independent review into the TGA which, if adopted, will help to cut time delays and improve Australian’s access to innovative new medicines, …

Twelve teams are set to progress through to the quarter final round in the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s annual National Student Business Plan Competition. The competition is an Australia-wide challenge …

Babies who snore are widely under-diagnosed, according to Australian researchers investigating less costly and more effective methods of identifying sleep apnoea hypopnea syndrome in infants. A joint study conducted by …

ASMI says that the Expert Panel report on the regulatory framework for medicines and medical devices falls short in its recommendation to retain restrictions on the advertising of S3 medicines. …

The short film ‘The Pick Up’— where a man walks into a bar and meets a very attractive lady called Gonorrhoea—has taken out the top prize in the industry-first short …

Sigma Pharmaceuticals Limited has confirmed a new five-year wholesale supply and services agreement with Reform Management. With more than 1,900 independent community pharmacy customers nationally, Reform has one of the …

Australian women are putting their heart health at risk by not being active enough – and the National Heart Foundation of Australia is urging women to get moving as Go …

Calls for greater integration of self care into the national health policy have been welcomed by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. National President of the PSA, Grant Kardachi, says the …

A new study at Griffith University aims to raise awareness of Parkinson’s Disease and improve quality of life for sufferers. Led by Gold Coast physician Dr Tien Khoo from Griffith’s …

Libertarian Senator David Leyonhjelm yesterday compared the pharmacy location rules to Communism, during Senate debates regarding the National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill. The Bill was passed unchanged. “The rules …

Health Minister Sussan Ley says consumers are the big winners from the Senate passing the PBS reform package, which she says will deliver cheaper medicines into the future and a …