Australian scientists believe they have identified an enzyme that causes dysfunction in the three major diabetes players: the pancreas, the liver and muscle. Known as ‘NIK kinase’, the enzyme activates …

Fast food consumption is high, along with high rates of activity but people are eating healthier snacks, according to the first Shape of Victoria survey. The survey revealed high rates …

The newest cohort of University of New England pharmacy students have been welcomed to the profession in a ceremony held this week. The ceremony was held as part of the …

The report by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, The Silent Disease – Inquiry into Hepatitis C in Australia has been welcomed by the peak body representing more …

The number of dates on which the price of PBS-listed medicines can change will increase from three times a year to six times a year, as part of the package …

Diabetes needs a patient-centred approach, write Dr Esther Lau and Professor Lisa Nissen For many people, diabetes can start insidiously, without people knowing or being aware that they have diabetes. …

Australian researchers have discovered that men with incurable prostate cancer, but without symptoms, who received immediate hormone treatment on the TOAD trial, had an increase in survival over those who …

The ‘fact sheet’ on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement issued today by the Australian Government ignores the serious threat to global health posed by the trade deal, says Médecins Sans Frontières …

Health Minister Sussan Ley says she wants to turn around the issue of ‘slow’ access to new medicines, which she says is caused by drug companies. Medicines manufacturers prefer to …

Medicines Australia has welcomed the recommendations of an independent review into the TGA which, if adopted, will help to cut time delays and improve Australian’s access to innovative new medicines, …

Twelve teams are set to progress through to the quarter final round in the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s annual National Student Business Plan Competition. The competition is an Australia-wide challenge …

Babies who snore are widely under-diagnosed, according to Australian researchers investigating less costly and more effective methods of identifying sleep apnoea hypopnea syndrome in infants. A joint study conducted by …