Truckies and teen drivers need to be taught about the dangers of drowsiness to stop them nodding off at the wheel, important new sleep guidelines warn. A policy statement led …

The PBAC has issued a statement intending to reassure the public about the safety of biosimilar copies of biologic drugs, in a bid to stamp out “misinformation” which could slow …

University of Queensland researchers have launched a global search to discover antibiotics capable of combating superbug bacteria that are resistant to current antibiotics. The Community for Open Antimicrobial Drug Discovery …

More than 2000 brands of common medicines could be slashed in price, some by as much as 50%, from next year, Minister for Health Sussan Ley says under the Government’s proposed PBS package.

Sigma has donated $2,500 to the Pharmacists’ Support Service. The donation is set to be put towards further training for the volunteer pharmacists who provide the service, as well as …

Australians are participating in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program at a higher rate, according to a report released today by the AIHW. Of the 1.4 million people aged 50, …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia yesterday gave evidence to the Senate Economics Legislation committee inquiry into the National Health Amendment Bill, and said it wants a “timely” passage of the Bill through the …

For most people our eyes provide around 80% of the information from our surroundings, and pharmacists are perfectly placed to help consumers maintain good eye health.

Prostate cancer patients have to wait many years to get access to new cancer medicines compared to other countries such as the US. This is resulting in poorer quality of …

The Senate is being pushed not to delay the passage of the National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill which is the key to implementation of the 6CPA by the PSA. …

Women are being urged to eat a varied balanced diet to reduce their exposure to cadmium, after a major study linked the metal to reduced bone density. Seventy seven WA …

More than 60,000 people have reduced or discontinued their use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs after watching ABC’s TV program, Catalyst, which questioned their benefits for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, …