Pharmacists can play a key role in helping their customers to be more active, writes 2010 PSA Pharmacist of the Year Karalyn Huxhagen. As pharmacists we are all aware that …

The Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement was signed on Wednesday, and reaction has been mostly positive, with a few exceptions. Most industry commentators praised the Guild’s introduction of the new Administration, …

Uncertainty over the patient script copayment for prescriptions in the Budget mars an otherwise very exciting Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement, says Melanie Walker, Acting CEO of the Public Health Association …

More than half of UK pharmacists may have been discouraged by general practitioners from offering pharmacy services such as flu vaccination, reports the UK’s Chemist+Druggist magazine. The magazine conducted an …

To guide its decisions on medicines delisting including those available OTC, the Department of Health has published principles set by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee. The delisting principles considered appropriate …

The so-called #paracetamolchallenge is a hoax, but one which could still be dangerous if teenagers believe it to be an actual social media phenomenon, says Young Pharmacist of the Year …

A major international HIV treatment trial co-ordinated by the Kirby Institute at UNSW in partnership with three other international research centres has been terminated ahead of schedule after interim results …

Despite Health Minister Sussan Ley’s comments yesterday that the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement and the Agreement with generics manufacturers would result in cheaper medicines for consumers, the Consumers Health Forum …

The PSA has welcomed the announcement by the AMA that it has presented the Government with a proposal to make non-dispensing pharmacists a key part of the general practice healthcare …

The new Administration Handling and Infrastructure (AHI) Fee, set to replace the pharmacy mark-up component of remuneration, is a coup for the Pharmacy Guild, says industry analyst Bruce Annabel. Annabel …

The AMA is proposing to make non-dispensing pharmacists a key part of the future general practice health care team, in a bid to help GPs even better care for their …

The CSO wholesalers have welcomed the certainty provided to the pharmacy industry as a result of the finalisation of the 6th Community Pharmacy Agreement – but say there was a …