A million Australian asthmatics live with wheezing, breathlessness and flare-ups despite the availability of effective preventer inhalers, new research has found. The country’s first nationally representative study on asthma control …

A story in The Australian newspaper this morning contains rumour and misinformation aimed at destabilising the current negotiations for a new Community Pharmacy Agreement, the Pharmacy Guild says. The Guild …

NPS MedicineWise has launched a new phase in its five year campaign to fight antibiotic resistance, ‘Winter is coming’, to encourage people to spread knowledge, not infection. Combining social media …

A significant number of medicines have the potential to pose a health and safety risk as a result of unintended exposure when people other than the patient – such as …

Macular degeneration is a progressive, chronic disease affecting the central part of the retina responsible for central sight. This affects the ability to read, drive, recognise faces and perform activities …

Women and children’s health is often a key market for community pharmacy, as well as a key area where pharmacists can do a lot of good within their communities – …

A new study of 183 women with ovarian cancer has shown that women want greater awareness of ovarian cancer symptoms among GPs and a more widespread understanding of family history …

Pharmacists around the country are rallying to protect Australia’s most vulnerable patients, says a Canberra pharmacist, ahead of planned changes to the PBS in next week’s Federal Budget. The Coalition …

The Australian Self Medication Industry today welcomed the Victorian Government’s commitment of $300,000 for planning and development of a real-time prescription monitoring system to help reduce the inappropriate use of …

The PSA has welcomed Victorian Government funding initiatives to improve access to pharmacist services and to progress the implementation of real time reporting to help reduce inappropriate use of some …

In a push toward a nationally coordinated physical activity strategy, the Heart Foundation’s “Move More, Sit less” campaign, launched this week for Heart Week 2015, aims to raise awareness around …

The PSA and the Australasian Sleep Association have entered into a memorandum of understanding to support pharmacist education in sleep health and sleep science. The purpose of the MOU is …