The Abbott Government has announced the list of successful applicants to run Primary Health Networks, which will begin rolling out from July 1. Minister for Health Sussan Ley announced the …

Eight companies and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia have announced a partnership to help transform pharmacies into healthcare destinations. The partners involved are Pfizer Australia, Bayer, Reckitt Benckiser, Johnson & …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia welcomes the establishment by the Prime Minister of a taskforce to develop a National Ice Action Strategy to tackle the growing scourge of ice (crystal …

KU Leuven researchers have zeroed in on what makes cancer cells in melanoma so aggressive – and succeeded in taming the effect in cell cultures. Melanoma is notoriously quick to …

Around 3000 Indigenous Australians die prematurely each year, resulting in almost 100,000 years of life lost, according to a report released today by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. The …

Pre-adolescent boys and girls have differing body image issues, requiring gender specific programs, researchers told the APS College of Health Psychologists Conference in Sydney today. Dr Catherine Connaughton and Dr …

Overweight people should exercise rather than count kilos if they want to reduce their risk of liver disease, diabetes and cardiovascular problems according to new research from the University of …

Growth in the number of people receiving pharmacotherapy treatment for opioid dependence has slowed, according to new information published by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. The release shows …

Complementary Medicines Australia has applauded the announcement by the Minister for Health, Sussan Ley, of a new collaborative governance arrangement for future GP training. It has highlighted the importance of …

Veterans health for many years has related to returned servicemen from the two world wars and the Vietnam War. A new group of returned servicemen are now presenting with their …

Ensuring Opioid Maintenance Therapy is affordable for patients is an important strategy in helping stem prescription opioid and heroin addiction, a new report has found – but the current copayment …

Australia’s major public hospitals have recorded a marked fall in the rate of healthcare-associated Golden Staph bloodstream infections, the latest report from the National Health Performance Authority shows. The number …