A recent headline in medical newsletters stating ‘Pharmacists reluctant to give up on homeopathy’ misrepresents the public position of the PSA, the organisation says. The newsletter reports made no reference …

News Limited newspapers have today carried a story about pharmacies which completely distorts the reality currently facing community pharmacies in Australia, the Pharmacy Guild says. The report, How a pharmacy …

The AJP team is live blogging from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s APP2015: transforming pharmacy – opportunities and challenges conference. Throw open your doors and shout to the world that …

Almost two thirds of people surveyed about their cholesterol health were unaware of their scores and had not taken a test in the past year, despite recommendations that people older …

Clinical tips on wound care: why the person in the white coat needs to be on the floor. You are presented with a small child with a bleeding injury from …

Kimberly Pharmacy Services has been named 2015 Pharmacy of the Year. The pharmacy was first awarded the winner of the Excellence in Community Engagement category for its outstanding work in …

There is no good quality evidence to support the claim that homeopathy is effective in treating health conditions, the National Health and Research Council said in a statement today. Its …

Human breast milk forms highly organised structures during digestion and this discovery could be used for the development of new food supplements and nutritional formulas which are more easily digested. …

Calcium supplements have a role in preventing osteoporosis when dietary intake is inadequate, the The Australian Self Medication Industry has reaffirmed. This was in response to the publication of data …

Today NPS MedicineWise launches its latest program—Blood pressure: what’s changing in how we measure, manage and monitor—providing health professionals with resources and tools to help optimise blood pressure assessment and …

People on more than four medicines a day, and those with swallowing problems, are more likely to be crushing medicines in a bid to make them easier to take—but this …

Given the rollout of pharmacy vaccination programs it is crucial vaccinators know how to administer auto-injectors if anaphylaxis occurs, say researchers. The researchers stress that using an auto-injector differs from …