A new comedy TV series set in a pharmacy has scored mostly positive reviews – although some viewers believe it depicts pharmacy personnel as unprofessional and incompetent Would you watch …

A new study involving current and former heavy smokers suggests that COPD is being systematically misdiagnosed The researchers, from Monash University, set out to review the accuracy of diagnoses of …

Pharmacists are taking to mainstream media outlets both large and small to express their opinions on the upcoming codeine changes Several pharmacists around the country have given interviews to state …

The National Rural Health Alliance is developing specialised information for people living in rural and remote areas ahead of the codeine upschedule The resources are aimed at ensuring people living …

Pfizer has announced it will stop research into developing drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease, after costly failed attempts over the past decade Jürgen Götz, Director, Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia …

The Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee says it has made progress on pharmacist prescribing and competency standards implementation tools Competency standards implementation tools: The PPDC member organisations are in the process …

Pharmacists seem to be experiencing an influx in complaints and stockpiling behaviour as the codeine upschedule approaches, according to poll results More than half (51%) of respondents to an AJP …

Collaboration is key to being a community health destination, writes Jacqui Hagidimitriou In the age of fast-paced change in pharmacy, those who innovate will continue to adapt to the new …

Four pharmacy licensees have faced Panel Hearings on charges including discrepancies with S8s – with one case including pharmacotherapy drugs The Victorian Pharmacy Authority outlined four Panel Hearing cases held …

Aussies are increasingly eating leftovers for lunch – but there are risks, warns the Food Safety Information Council Food Safety Information Council research has found that 94% of households with …

An “isolated, depressed” rural pharmacist has been suspended after supplying restricted drugs to customers without scripts and falsifying dispensing records over two years In early 2010, the pharmacist in charge …

Public guidelines for sun protection have been updated as stakeholders warn that Australians are using sunscreen as a “suit of armour” The Australasian College of Dermatologists and Cancer Council updated …