Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Onabotulinum toxin A in the treatment of chronic migraine: patient selection and special considerations Onabotulinum toxin A (BoNT-A) is …

Amendments to allow easier importing of medicinal cannabis go before Parliament as government tactics described as an “utter disgrace” The Federal Government’s decision to defy the Senate and continue to …

New report reveals potential savings of over $1 billion to the Australian economy, if just a few prescription meds were switched to non-script status The World Self-Medication Industry (WSMI) has …

The Government won’t facilitate the approval of lethal medicines used in voluntary assisted dying, the Health Minister says And a spokesperson for the Pharmacy Guild says that the key word …

Nurses are warning that Royal Adelaide Hospital’s new robotic dispensing system is being under-stocked When the new Royal Adelaide Hospital opened with one of the largest Automated Pharmacy Distribution Systems …

Is a pharmacist a provider of health services? One tribunal has had its say  According to a recent legal ruling, one particular pharmacy at least may not be primarily a …

Discrimination, not same-sex parenting itself, is the source of harm to children, say academics and health professionals A group of academics and medical practitioners have written an update for the …

Researchers have suggested some practical ideas including default “no repeats” in electronic prescribing, tailored amounts With Aussie GPs prescribing between four and nine times as many antibiotics as they should be, …

The Victorian Branch of the Pharmacy Guild has praised the state government for passing bill in Parliament last week The Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Real-time Prescription Monitoring) Bill …

We speak to Jacinta Johnson, voted by readers at number four in our list of Pharmacy’s 10 Rising Stars AJP: When and where did you study pharmacy? JJ: I completed …

What’s in a name? There are some key acronyms you need to remember to get your pharmacy fully geared up for the peak season, says Glenn Guilfoyle  As pharmacy owners, …

It’s been a busy week, with several pieces of legislation affecting pharmacy The guarantee to preserve existing pharmacy location rules was among several measures tabled in Federal Parliament this week, …