Charting the course
PDL has some guidance on Collaborative Pharmacist-led Charting and Prescribing PDL has chosen to describe the charting and prescribing activity by hospital pharmacists as Collaborative Pharmacist-led Charting and Prescribing (CPCP), …
Transitions of care
Transitions of care are pivotal moments in healthcare delivery, where patients move between different healthcare settings Whether transitioning from hospital to home, or from home to an aged-care facility …
Compounding: reducing the risk
In the first of a series of podcasts co-produced by AJP and PDL, we take a look at risk awareness and management when compounding In this podcast, Kylie Neville, PDL …
Raising awareness of RSV vaccine options, midazolam and Wegovy strengths
PDL has some advice on RSV vaccination, and the strengths of midazolam and Wegovy This Practice Alert highlights some recent practice issues reported to PDL Professional Officers. Respiratory Syncytial Virus …
PDL director election results announced
Following recent director elections for South Australia/Northern Territory and Queensland, PDL announces Paula Kwan and Bruce Elliot as the new directors on the PDL Board. Paula Kwan has been elected …
Have you received an Aphra notification?
During your healthcare career, you may receive a regulatory notification Regulatory notifications are a mechanism for the public to raise any concerns about their healthcare experience and are an integral …
Schedule 3 supply of therapeutic vaping products
From 1 October 2024, therapeutic vapes with a nicotine concentration of 20mg/mL or less will be available in pharmacies to patients 18 years or over without a prescription. Date of …
NSW Pharmaceutical Services Unit e-cigarette Compliance Program
PDL has some advice for pharmacists on lawfully supplying vapes for smoking cessation Pharmacists would be aware of the down scheduling of some nicotine vaping or e-cigarette products to S3 …
Pharmacists and the pill: advice on changes
PDL has advice for pharmacists in NSW and the ACT providing the oral contraceptive resupply service NSW pharmacists The oral contraceptive resupply component of the NSW Pharmacy Trial ceased on …
Be aware or beware of wrong patient errors – part 2
This alert provides insights into the common causes of wrong patient incidents and provides suggestions preventative strategies PDL has recently released the Practice Alert ‘Be aware or beware of wrong …
Dealing with aggression in pharmacy
By helping to understand the nature of a person’s behaviour, this article, together with the accompanying CLASHED Action Plan, aims to provide measures to help pharmacists manage and mitigate aggressive …
Administration of medicines by pharmacists in South Australia
PDL has advice for South Australian pharmacists about the recent change relating to administering medicines Following the recent direction from the chief pharmacist department of Health SA, PDL advises that …