“Unscrupulous chemists”
February 1921: A disgruntled pharmacy “Judas” is under fire for sharing trade secrets in the national press The February 1921 edition of the AJP including the ocverage of a letter …
Discount war over analgesics
February 1971: AJP warns against treating analgesics as ‘cut-price food’ as supermarket price war resumes Pharmacists in early 1971 were being advised to educate the public on the dangers of …
COVID vaccination and pharmacy
What’s the latest news on pharmacy’s role in COVID-19 vaccination and testing? Welcome to the first of our new AJP curated content newsletters. We will be sending you two of …
Our Australia Day plans
What are the upcoming plans for AJP Daily? Plus, some news about our print and e-magazine We will be sending out our usual AJP Daily newsletter on Monday, 25 January, …
Farewell to 2020
This is our final newsletter for 2020. Merry Xmas and happy New Year from the team at AJP This is our final AJP Daily newsletter for 2020. Our newsletters will …
Do we need a federal pharmacy law?
September 1920, and one of the biggest items of discussion in the AJP is whether it is desirable for Australia to have a federal pharmacy law “Within the next few …
In the magazine
Here’s what you can read in the June print edition of AJP, out to subscribers this week The June edition of AJP continues to focus on the evolving coronavirus pandemic. …
AJP: changes we need to make
There’s been some changes made to our website, plus an update on our Easter period newsletter schedule It’s almost time for the Easter weekend, undoubtedly the strangest one of our …
Pharmacy’s Got Talent winner 2019…could it be you this year?
Our Pharmacy’s Got Talent winner at APP2019 – Tyler Fenton – won a free rego to this year’s event. But you may not see him there, if he’s scored himself …
Sing to soothe…or to win a prize!
Pharmacist Anthony Lu serenaded us at last year’s APP, and soothed us with his beautiful voice Anthony, from Vermont in Melbourne, said he liked to sing to relax. He sang …
So you think you can dance? NAPSA can
NAPSA students blew us away with their song and dance routine on behalf of the Pharmacists’ Support Service (PSS) at last year’s APP conference This year’s contest promises to be …