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Andrew Topp

Tech company’s pharmacy advisory group to deliver real-time feedback to improve workflow  MedAdvisor Solutions is looking to pharmacists to ensure its products are “tailored to the evolving demands” of the …

TGA may have been premature in declaring supply shortages of Vyvanse are “resolved”, a pharmacist says  Securing supplies of various strengths of ADHA medication, Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine dimesilate) is continuing to …

Government extends Safety Net early supply rule for 60-day scripts to reduce medicines wastage  Changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Safety Net early supply rule come into effect today …

Pharmacy staff are being forced to deal with medicines shortages, with 60-day dispensing not making life any easier, pharmacist warns  Suggestions from Department of Health and Aged Care bureaucrats, that …

Plans to increase community pharmacy services will not be sustainable without appropriately funding dispensing, pharmacist says  Ensuring dispensaries are well-funded will be critical to the success of the Eighth Community …

Community pharmacy owners need to be proactive in maintaining the viability of their stores, with the 8CPA unlikely to be a cure-all for the sector, Capital Chemist Group chief executive, …

Community pharmacies cannot afford to sit back to “wait and see” how 60-day dispensing impacts their business, a pharmacy group’s boss warns  Pharmacies need to take proactive steps to mitigate …

Pharmacists should prepare for more confusion as Department of Health officials appear to have little insight into the profession’s role  Issues surrounding the transition to the national methadone Pharmaceutical Benefits …

Revamped guidelines for the new national methadone Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) system remain flawed, but will better support patients, a pharmacist believes  Pharmacists will be able to provide patients undergoing …

Pharmacists are running out of time and energy to fix problems with the new national methadone Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) system  Clerical drama surrounding changes to opioid management programs, combined …

Many medicines will expire with 60-day dispensing, say pharmacists after reveal of first tranche of eligible drugs  There have been mostly negative reactions from pharmacists following the revelation of which …

Plans to implement double dispensing are likely to result in increased medicines wastage, pharmacists warn  Community pharmacies may need to double the number of Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM) bins they …