cold chain
NSW Health vaccine storage and cold chain audits
Pharmacies participating in the NIPVIP program are being reminded of their obligations relating to vaccine storage On behalf of NSW Health, local Public Health Units (PHUs) may carry out random …
Too-cold fridge prompts email to patients
A pharmacy has emailed some of its patients, advising that a flu vaccine it provided them was stored at the wrong temperature The Townsville Bulletin reports that Daniel Jeffery, manager/pharmacist …
UPS dives into pharmaceutical logistics
New facility in western Sydney comes with -20C cold chain storage and “near real-time monitoring” UPS, one of the world’s largest shipping and courier services, has announced the opening of …
Vaccine safe in pharmacists’ ‘very, very cold’ hands
As Australia celebrates its first COVID-19 vaccinations, the rollout is showcasing pharmacists’ skills, say stakeholders Prime Minister Scott Morrison and a small group of health professionals, including pharmacists, are among …
‘False turf wars’ over COVID jab
Doctors are claiming a COVID-19 vaccine should stay focused on the GP setting, calling pharmacy “a retail space trying to sell you products” One pharmacy stakeholder has expressed disappointment with …
GP cold chain audit results revealed
An audit of GP practices in NSW has found that 33 out of the 44 potentially high-risk clinics examined did not meet vaccine storage standards “NSW Health undertook an audit …
The week in review
The start of July brought a pay rise, a cut to penalty rates and a collection of new PBS listings We took a look at what readers thought about the …
Audit finds some GPs are falling short
GP rules for vaccine storage have been strengthened following the Sydney vaccine bungle and a state-wide audit NSW Health is imposing new rules on all general practitioners after a state-wide …
The week in review
It was a week for controversy, with vaccination and whether the location rules should be relaxed making news Western Australia‘s Health Minister Roger Cook announced that the state would follow …
Cold chain criticism ‘embarrassing,’ says PSA head
A leading GP has expressed concerns about expansion of pharmacist flu vaccination in WA, including that cold chain management could be less stringent This week Western Australia’s Health Minister Roger …
Protecting the cold chain
The cost of replacing impaired medicines due to power outage averages $13,168 per pharmacy, while loss of vaccines alone amounts to $16 million per year in Australia Power outages are …