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Evidence continues to grow on the role diet plays in acne, with certain food types linked to exacerbations, while others may be beneficial. Jala Moushi reviews the research Acne is …

“Food as medicine” intervention shows positive results for Australians with type 2 diabetes Researchers from The George Institute for Global Health and UNSW Sydney have tested the feasibility of a …

How does diet impact mental health, and what role can pharmacists play? Sheshtyn Paola investigates “You are what you eat,” the adage goes. As a society we’ve become increasingly aware …

Sometimes, pharmacists have time to eat lunch. Angelo Pricolo muses on the array of options available… Lunch can be a blessing. But it can also be a curse if you …

Guidelines are flawed and must be revised as type 2 diabetes is reversible, says the 2020 Australian of the Year. Dietary1 and clinical guidelines2 must change along with our love …

Angelo Pricolo muses about the nexus between food and health… and where the rules are different When I travelled to Italy with the family pre-COVID-19 in 2019 (sounds funny…) I …

There is an urgent need for the entire healthcare workforce to be involved in efforts to improve diet and physical activity across populations, says FIP The International Pharmaceutical Federation has …

Are pharmacists equipped to deliver weight management services and, if so, what does a best-practice model look like? Australia’s rising obesity rates place a significant burden on the public health …

Weight loss and muscle atrophy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are linked with increased morbidity and mortality. Yet malnutrition remains under-diagnosed and undertreated, The World Health Organisation defines …

American researchers have published evidence to support news that should surprise very few: it appears that eating a lot of fried foods is not good for your health Little is …

by David Clayton, Nottingham Trent University With a global diet industry worth US$168.95 billion, it’s clear the world is obsessed with weight loss. But what’s the best diet for losing …

As the silly season begins, Louis Roller takes a look at navigating the pitfalls of overindulgence Overindulgence: to allow yourself to have too much of something enjoyable, especially food or drink: wish I hadn’t overindulged so much …