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Is your pharmacy really about patients and their care or is it a script processing factory/‘phactory’ for them? While there is strong evidence of organised production during ancient and medieval …

Consumers and health professionals report challenges in managing token-based electronic prescriptions  Data from the Australian Digital Health Agency’s (ADHA’s) National Electronic Prescribing Survey reveals that patients, prescribers and pharmacists are …

95% of country’s pharmacies unable to dispense electronically after unplanned firewall disruption An external security update has brought down New Zealand’s e-Prescription Service (NZePS) service, with disruption to 95% of …

Significant developments in the digital health space over the last few years mean that most pharmacies are now operating with hybrid workflows between paper and electronic prescriptions, the Active Script …

Electronic prescriptions do not eliminate dispensing errors  Pharmacists are being urged to check electronic prescriptions as thoroughly as they would paper-based scripts.   Speaking during a digital health update webinar …

Fred IT Group has been awarded the contract to deliver the next phase of the national electronic prescription delivery service for the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care …

Royal Perth Hospital has achieved a national milestone, as the first public hospital to offer electronic scripts that can be dispensed at community pharmacies The service is a joint project …

Electronic prescriptions are now transacting across Australia, with the Northern Territory’s successful dispense of its first paperless electronic prescription on 1 September eRx Script Exchange has now successfully enabled electronic …

Western Australia prescribed and dispensed its first paperless electronic prescription this week Plaza Medical Centre and Wizard Pharmacy achieved the State’s first electronic prescription, which was prescribed and dispensed in …

PDL says it has received a number of calls from pharmacists about supplying certain medicines via a digital image of a script PDL has issued an update for its Queensland …

As restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic relax around the country, it’s been a busy week for the pharmacy sector The Pharmacy Guild’s Suzanne Greenwood asked why pharmacists aren’t recognised …

Queensland is the latest state to allow the prescribing of PBS medicines through a digital image Under the special arrangement, which begins Monday 18 May, prescribers can provide a digital image or …