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Health stakeholders need to pull together to battle health threats across the globe, says FIP We are now operating in a globalised world of research and manufacturing—which not only implies …

Amid worsening medicines shortages, FIP is taking a look at how the problem is managed globally A new report from the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) contains an overview of some …

FIP has released 67 statements on pharmaceutical education The statements are intended to support schools of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, and providers of continuing education with self-assessment, monitoring, identification of …

“From research to health care: Your pharmacist is at your service” is the theme of this year’s World Pharmacists Day on 25 September “This theme was chosen to reflect the …

Strategies for medicines information should be included in national medicines policies, say the authors of a new FIP publication The authors of Medicines information: Strategic development say this is the …

FIP has published a global vision and goals to transform pharmacy education and the pharmacy workforce during a conference of national pharmacy leaders in Nanjing, China. Change is vital if …

The range of benefits from pharmacist vaccination is huge, and so is the potential, writes Karalyn Huxhagen FIP recently released ‘An overview of current pharmacy impact on immunisation: A global …

Would you be able to tell a real medicine from a fake one? This important question is being posed to the public, healthcare professionals and policymakers by the World Health …

Sunday 25 September marks the global occasion, now in its sixth year World Pharmacists Day was launched several years ago by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Council, which designated 25 …

It’s been a big week internationally for pharmacy, with the International Pharmaceutical Federation holding its world congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina… where several Australian achievements have been recognised PSA won …

Pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists must take responsibility for mitigating the environmental consequences of medicines, says the International Pharmaceutical Federation An official policy statement adopted by the FIP Council in Buenos …

Resources produced by FIP Education have helped stakeholders around the world ensure that pharmacists are capable and competent, FIP has announced. A new report, “Transforming our workforce”, released by FIP …