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full scope of practice

Patient safety and pharmacist competency in expanding scope of practice can be addressed by high-quality protocols—but not all are created equal, say researchers behind the NSW trial Clinical management protocols …

Funding is being made available to support pharmacists to access training to work to their full scope of practice in one state  Queensland has announced a $6 million funding package …

As the profession evolves FIP is introducing a new database to support the expansion of pharmacists’ scope of practice  The International Pharmaceutical Federation’s (FIP’s) Impact Database was launched on Sunday …

Discussions at the 2024 Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference (APP) covered a range of issues including the 8CPA, 60-day dispensing and the need to embrace full scope of practice.  “If you …

Pharmacy’s role in vaccination provision continues to expand, and is a rare example of agreement with the federal government. We look at how we’ve got here, and what are the …

Federal minister and pharmacist Emma McBride speaks about increasing the profession’s scope of practice and on strategies to address healthcare workforce and access issues  The COVID-19 pandemic “really emphasised” the …

Improvements to community pharmacists pay and conditions are needed before they take on new tasks such as prescribing, Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) says  Data from a survey of PPA members shows that …

Authorising pharmacists to prescribe will expose employee pharmacists to “significant risks”, while delivering “poor patient health outcomes”, GPs warn  In a statement responding to workforce capacity concerns raised by Professional …

The Strengthening Medicare Taskforce recommended that health professionals work to full scope – but one leading pharmacist is wary of the timeline The Taskforce’s report, which was released earlier this …

Efforts to expand pharmacists’ scope of practice will adversely affect Indigenous patients’ healthcare two leading health bodies warn  Assertions by the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACHHO)that the introduction …

State and territory governments are being urged to adopt a harmonised approach to the expansion of pharmacists’ scope of practice.   With several premiers voicing their support for pharmacists to …

Barriers preventing primary care health professionals, including pharmacists, from working to their full scope need to be removed, the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce believes.   The Strengthening Medicare Taskforce Report released …