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There is a “significant amount” of misinformation about the use of topical corticosteroids in paediatric eczema, Associate Professor Saxon Smith has told the The Australasian College of Dermatologists’ (ACD) Annual …

AJP takes a look back at this week’s best reader comments Our interview with Saxby Pharmacy’s and Friends of Science in Medicine’s Ian Carr, “Naturopathy: if it wasn’t so serious …

An editorial in a GP magazine which queried the existence of community pharmacies has been criticised by editor of Scotland’s Pharmacy in Practice Ross Ferguson, who says the original article …

The editor of a UK GP publication has posed the provocative question, “Do we really need pharmacies?” on his blog. Nigel Praities, editor of Pulse, admits that he is “deliberately …

NHS England has announced that it will recommission flu vaccinations in community pharmacies for 2016/17. Nearly a quarter of a million more people benefited from vaccinations in a community pharmacy …

The AMA tonight condemned the extension of the freeze of the Medicare patient rebate until 2020 – a saving to the Government of almost $1 billion. AMA President, Professor Brian …

In hospitals Endone has become the new Panadol and Australia is going down the same path as the United States when it comes to opioids, say doctors. The doctors were …

The Australian Government should follow the UK and provide funding support for integrating pharmacists into general practice clinics, according to the PSA. The British Department of Health – through NHS …

The North West Melbourne Primary Health Network has announced that its Vaccination Café will be back this year, offering free coffee, flu vaccines and whooping cough boosters; meanwhile, the RACGP …

A prominent GP and pharmacy critic has told the AJP that community pharmacy is losing its focus on its area of expertise, that Health Destination Pharmacy is like selling pharmacy’s …

With collaboration between GPs and pharmacists being strongly encouraged, pharmacists are moving into GP clinics – but in one Western Sydney location, it’s the GP who is about to move …

The UK’s National Pharmacy Association has quantified the pressure that could be placed on other health services under the planned cuts to English pharmacy. The 6% funding cuts are likely …