End topical corticosteroids phobia: expert
There is a “significant amount” of misinformation about the use of topical corticosteroids in paediatric eczema, Associate Professor Saxon Smith has told the The Australasian College of Dermatologists’ (ACD) Annual …
This week’s best reader comments
AJP takes a look back at this week’s best reader comments Our interview with Saxby Pharmacy’s and Friends of Science in Medicine’s Ian Carr, “Naturopathy: if it wasn’t so serious …
GP blog: ‘It isn’t about them and us anymore.’
An editorial in a GP magazine which queried the existence of community pharmacies has been criticised by editor of Scotland’s Pharmacy in Practice Ross Ferguson, who says the original article …
Do we really need pharmacies? UK GP mag asks
The editor of a UK GP publication has posed the provocative question, “Do we really need pharmacies?” on his blog. Nigel Praities, editor of Pulse, admits that he is “deliberately …
NHS England recommissions pharmacy flu jabs, GPs unhappy
NHS England has announced that it will recommission flu vaccinations in community pharmacies for 2016/17. Nearly a quarter of a million more people benefited from vaccinations in a community pharmacy …
AMA slams Medicare rebate freeze extension
The AMA tonight condemned the extension of the freeze of the Medicare patient rebate until 2020 – a saving to the Government of almost $1 billion. AMA President, Professor Brian …
Opioid misuse: ‘Endone has become the new Panadol.’
In hospitals Endone has become the new Panadol and Australia is going down the same path as the United States when it comes to opioids, say doctors. The doctors were …
Follow UK with general practice pharmacists: PSA
The Australian Government should follow the UK and provide funding support for integrating pharmacists into general practice clinics, according to the PSA. The British Department of Health – through NHS …
Vaccination: GP, pharmacy or café?
The North West Melbourne Primary Health Network has announced that its Vaccination Café will be back this year, offering free coffee, flu vaccines and whooping cough boosters; meanwhile, the RACGP …
‘There’s professional ideals of pharmacy that have almost been abandoned.’
A prominent GP and pharmacy critic has told the AJP that community pharmacy is losing its focus on its area of expertise, that Health Destination Pharmacy is like selling pharmacy’s …
GP moves in with pharmacy
With collaboration between GPs and pharmacists being strongly encouraged, pharmacists are moving into GP clinics – but in one Western Sydney location, it’s the GP who is about to move …
Pressure to hit other health services if pharmacies close: UK
The UK’s National Pharmacy Association has quantified the pressure that could be placed on other health services under the planned cuts to English pharmacy. The 6% funding cuts are likely …