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A group of primary care organisations have banded together to discourage pharmacy vaccination. The group, comprising the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), the Australian Medical Association (AMA), the …

Complementary Medicines Australia has applauded the announcement by the Minister for Health, Sussan Ley, of a new collaborative governance arrangement for future GP training. It has highlighted the importance of …

The health and safety of patients must come before the interests of retail pharmacists who want to expand into care they say is best done by qualified GPs, the Royal …

Allied health practitioners such as pharmacy need to be given more support to step up and fill gaps in health care, says Terry White – because an expansion in their …

A report on the frequent GP users has revealed the need for better primary care coordination to reduce costs and provide better quality care. The National Health Performance Authority report …

The PSA believes better utilisation of pharmacists’ skills will result in improved health outcomes and cost‑effectiveness of primary care in GP practices and Aboriginal Health Services. These are just two …

New research highlights that a higher number of GP-type patients are presenting at emergency departments in hospitals in rural North-West Tasmania due to lack of availability of general practice care. …

An Australian doctor has attacked the “Pharmacist Guild” for encouraging pharmacists to take on some of doctors’ responsibilities. Writing on his blog, Doctor’s Bag, Queensland GP Edwin Kruys has attacked …

The Abbott Government’s shelving of its controversial $7 GP copayment is a win for health policy, AMA president Brian Owler told the ABC’s Virginia Trioli today. “I think it’s a …