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When you take a patient’s blood pressure, provide smoking cessation advice, or spend time answering questions about medication use, where should the money come from? It’s the question on everybody’s …

It’s a good time to examine how you encourage your patients to use medicines wisely, writes Karalyn Huxhagen The seventh annual Be Medicinewise Week is 21–27 August, promoting the safe …

HMR caps are inappropriate, wages are “appallingly low” and Australia is no longer a leader in professional services, says the new PSA president PSA’s newly elected national president, Dr Shane …

Failure to lift the cap on HMRs makes no sense, writes Karalyn Huxhagen The recent discussion about the new Community Pharmacy Agreement rules has fuelled my ire. When I spoke …

Many AJP readers believe caps on HMRs should be increased or removed completely, and the program should be given more funding – preferably through the MBS According to an AJP …

What do you think needs to happen in the medicines review space? The King Review panel has acknowledged that changes need to be made in this space, with several submissions …

Recent pharmacy program changes have been criticised over perceived lack of funding for HMRs – but is there potential for them to be funded through the MBS in the future? The provision …

Remunerated MedsChecks are set to double and payments for DAAs streamlined under an $825 million provision for pharmacy over the next three years The provision of $825 million is aimed …

“Me: Your profile says you are allergic to Codeine “Pt: Yes I am – I need Targin and Endone cos Codeine makes me itch “Me: why are you taking 75mg …

“Could a spokesperson from the Guild please explain the Guild’s role in payment of medication reviews.  So many people have been affected by rejection of payments.  If the Guild is …

Low wages, lack of jobs, lack of recognition, discounters … what concerns you the most? There are always pressures in pharmacy, whether financial, professional or personal. We’ve heard about concerns …

A new Canadian study has found that medication reviews conducted by pharmacists did not significantly modify prescription drug use But comparing this to the Australian model is like “comparing an …