Posts in tag

hospital admissions

Codeine combinations most dispensed after hospital discharge, with some groups revealing higher rates of long-term opioid use, study finds Long-term use of opioids following hospital admission or emergency department (ED) …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Reducing Medical Admissions and Presentations Into Hospital through Optimising Medicines (REMAIN HOME) Integrating pharmacists into 14 general practices to review medicine …

Pharmacy organisations have responded to a Productivity Commission report that reveals there were nearly 3 million avoidable emergency presentations in 2017-18 Nationally there were around 2.9 million “avoidable” presentations to …

Why it’s imperative that pharmacists should be involved at both hospital admission and discharge This month the SHPA spoke out in support of hospital pharmacists, following reports of understaffing, workload …

The Pharmacy Guild has begun talks with Health Minister Greg Hunt to discuss how pharmacy can help avoid hospital admissions In this week’s edition of Guild newsletter Forefront, national executive …