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Should paracetamol and ibuprofen be displayed for sale where children can reach them? What about right next to chocolate bars? One stakeholder weighs in The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of …

Have you ever wondered what are the biggest selling over-the-counter products around the country? There’s some surprises when you look at the top 10 best sellers  1. Sugar… The biggest …

Scheduling decisions for ibuprofen, S3 melatonin, S3 fexofenadine and S2 brimonidine announced Decisions around the scheduling of a range of medicines have been announced with the release of interim decisions …

TGA rejects proposals to downschedule more ibuprofen products and Chinese medicine ingredients   Proposals for the downscheduling of ibuprofen and some Chinese medicine ingredients have been rejected by the Therapeutic Goods …

TGA decides to knock back schedule amendment proposals for oral contraceptives and ibuprofen The TGA scheduling delegate has decided against proposals to adjust the current scheduling arrangements for oral contraceptives, …

Schedule changes confirmed for a number of commonly dispensed medicines, despite pharmacy opposition to some proposals The TGA has confirmed previous interim decisions to amend (or not amend) the current …

Migraine treatment and immediate release ibuprofen set to be downscheduled, but no change to status of another high profile medicine  The migraine treatment eletriptan is to move to Schedule 3 …

Sildenafil, cannabidiol and ibuprofen among those to be considered for rescheduling  Australia’s medicine scheduling body is to consider another request to have sildenafil (Viagra) rescheduled. The June joint meeting of …

People are still concerned about the use of ibuprofen to treat COVID-19 symptoms, says NPS MedicineWise The organisation has added new information to its website about the medicine, after concerns …

Organisations including the TGA have moved to reassure Australians that there is no association between using NSAIDs like ibuprofen, and worse COVID-19 outcomes The TGA said on Friday that it …

Following the release of new data on paracetamol overdose-related hospitalisations, we’d like to know what you think about access to the medicine Research published in the Medical Journal of Australia …

Stakeholders have suggested that NSAIDs could be moved to pharmacy-only in a bid to avoid interactions such as the “triple whammy” with diuretics and ACE inhibitors Macquarie University researcher Dr …