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The specialist doctor only stopped after pharmacists pulled him up on his prescribing practices A Sydney psychiatrist has been suspended by AHPRA after a tribunal found him guilty of inappropriately …

Healthcare giant Ramsay is in a legal stoush with a former distributor it claims owes a debt of nearly $10m Ramsay Health Care Australia has recently lost an appeal in …

Yen Yab’s pharmacy has been sitting empty since January… thanks to a quirk of the location rules Waverley Family Healthcare has submitted a petition to Health Minister Greg Hunt asking …

CSL has been ordered to pay eight weeks’ salary to a brand manager after it was found he was wrongly dismissed The termination was made against a background of alleged …

A pharmacist who misappropriated OxyNorm and Kalma has been given a formal reprimand by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal The North Melbourne pharmacist suffered a rib injury in 2012, …

It is the largest payout so far in a string of lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson and its talc-based products A US jury has ordered Johnson & Johnson (J&J) to …

The pharmacist at the centre of a counterfeit sildenafil scandal has again appealed to have his registration reinstated Mina Attia, the former owner of Shopsmart Wholesale pharmacies across Sydney, had his …

His overprescribing patterns affected 13 patients, many of whom were drug dependent or recovering from dependency According to a decision released this week, Dr Angelo Arreza was found to have …

A recent Federal Court case highlights the risk and cost to compounding pharmacies that do not adhere to guidelines The Melbourne compounding pharmacist in question had supplied their own compounded …

This pharmacy owner found terminating her stake in a partnership wasn’t as easy as first thought Three NSW pharmacy owners have had a legal stoush over the ending of a …

Reckitt Benckiser has agreed to pay $3.5 million to settle a class action over its Nurofen range Bannister Law announced that it has reached an agreement with Reckitt Benckiser over …

Sigma has decided not to pursue its legal action against My Chemist/Chemist Warehouse Sigma Healthcare Limited and My Chemist/Chemist Warehouse Group have entered into a formal negotiation period to seek …