Medicare for pharmacist prescribing?
Community pharmacy services should be covered by national funding, argue industry stalwarts Pharmacist prescribing has seen “rapid” expansion in Australia, but out-of-pocket expenses raise questions of equity, according to the …
Wages ‘stagnating’ despite rising workload, cost of living
Pharmacists say their pay hasn’t increased alongside a growing list of responsibilities, but this job agency thinks owners will be forced to step up to secure trained staff Many pharmacists …
‘We’ve seen that wages have definitely dropped’
With a “drastic” change in competition, pay rates have dropped for locums, one expert says – and many employers cap or don’t pay travel costs Co-founder of Locumate Kavita Nadan …
‘I can feel the walls closing in on me as this snowballs’
“The HMR program is treated and funded as if it was a hobby and not a full time career pathway,” says one pharmacist, and another highlights the importance of speaking …
State takes first step to address ‘unjust wages’
In a move welcomed by pharmacists, the NSW Government has reached an agreement to increase wages and benefits for more than 50,000 health workers The agreement, with the Health Services …
World news wrapup: 19 September 2024
Intern snooping in patient records sparks privacy report; times are hard for Welsh pharmacies; CVS workers in California plan strike Regina, Saskatchewan: A pharmacy intern’s prying into the medical records …
‘I’m losing at least 10% of my staff each year’
Pharmacists have spoken out about the lack of career and pay progression they face in WA hospitals, as ACTU secretary joins them for a stop work meeting Australian Council of …
Senator backs call to abolish junior rates
“Workers deserve to be paid for the work that they perform, regardless of the year that they were born”, a government senator says Australia’s community pharmacy sector is being urged …
World news wrapup: 22 August 2024
Pharmacist wins more than $110k in racial profiling and unfair dismissal case; fungal meningitis pharmacist makes deal with Michigan; GP pharmacists demand equal pay for equal work Wickford, Essex: A …
‘No more excuses’ for low pay: union
The 8CPA doesn’t address concerns about working conditions, says the employee pharmacists’ union Professional Pharmacists Australia says that the 8CPA was delivered by the Federal Labor Government to provide more …
Aged care salary: more or less?
Pharmacists embedded in aged care facilities won’t necessarily earn the full Government-funded amount, official confirms David Laffan, assistant secretary, pharmacy branch, Department of health and aged care, has told the …
Retailers slam junior pay rate move
A move by unions could discourage employers from hiring pharmacy assistants under certain circumstances, Guild says The Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association (SDA) has initiated legal action aimed at …