A softer cut
Price disclosure changes not as bad as they seem on paper: experts The latest listed changes to the PBS represent a ‘watering down’ of previous heavy discounts, say experts as …
Prices to nosedive
Cuts from 6CPA-linked price disclosure changes starting to take effect The 1 April price disclosure cuts will see the impact of measures that were included in the PBS Access and Sustainability …
Continued dispensing or conditional dispensing?
Why can’t pharmacists directly access the PBS for their patients? wonders Angelo Pricolo Many times we have heard various people, organisations or even other governments talk about the Australian Pharmaceutical …
Location rules locked in
“Certainty and stability” ensured, Guild believes as bill passes both houses The National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits – Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2017 has now passed through the Senate, …
A bright new day
Guild welcomes removal of location rules sunset clause as PBS bill passes lower house The amended PBS bill, to which a number of Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement-linked initiatives were tied, …
PBS faces decade of negative real growth
The Guild’s prediction that the $18.9 billion figure in the 6CPA would not be delivered has come true, executive director David Quilty says Writing in this week’s edition of Forefront, …
Cutting deeply
Information released on next wave of price disclosure cuts, as the potential impact of a new PBS bill is revealed The latest round of price disclosure cuts – to be …
Australia’s 10 most expensive drugs
Expensive medicines used to treat hepatitis C have cost the government more than any other drugs over the past year New figures based on PBS and RPBS scripts for the …
Push for pharmacist recall remuneration
The Guild has outlined some of its concerns about red tape in a submission to the Senate Inquiry on the issue The inquiry Committee is examining the red-tape effect on …
Time for costly medicine monopolies to go from TPP trade talks
Time for costly medicine monopolies to go from TPP trade talks Belinda Townsend, Australian National University; Deborah Gleeson, La Trobe University; Hazel Moir, Australian National University; Joel Lexchin, University of …
Who should pay?
When you take a patient’s blood pressure, provide smoking cessation advice, or spend time answering questions about medication use, where should the money come from? It’s the question on everybody’s …
Crohn’s, leukaemia, acromegaly treatments listed
The Turnbull Government is listing almost half a billion dollars’ worth of new medicines from 1 September “Without subsidy from the Turnbull Government, these medicines cost patients as much as …