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Professor Trent Twomey

Australia is rapidly moving up the ranks when it comes to pharmacists’ scope of practice, Guild president says  The expansion of Australian pharmacists’ scope of practice since the start of …

Students and early career pharmacists are being urged to pursue careers in community pharmacy, with Guild president spruiking the sector as the most financially rewarding  Australia’s Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement …

Guild leaders confident they are close to securing a deal for the 8CPA  Following Tuesday night’s Federal Budget pharmacy owners are being urged to get ready for an announcement on …

NAPSA branches target Labor MPs to push for expansion of Commonwealth Prac Payments   Pharmacy students are being urged to “keep up the good fight” in their campaign to secure …

Government urged to extend paid placement support to pharmacy students  Pharmacy students should not be excluded from payments for mandatory placements announced by the federal government, the profession’s leaders believe.  …

Guild calls out injustice in healthcare access gap between First Nations people and non-Indigenous Australians.  Community pharmacists across the country are being urged to reflect on their role in improving …

Deal to ‘make best endeavours’ to reach an Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA) eases advocacy group’s concerns  A heads of agreement pledging “up to $3 billion” in additional funding for …

Guild president outlines his pharmacy wish list ahead of next federal election Speaking at APP2024 on the Gold Coast last weekend, Trent Twomey, national president of the Pharmacy Guild of …

Guild leader will not sign an Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA) that does not meet the organisation’s objectives  Negotiations for the 8CPA between the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and the …

Government rejection of call for Medicare Provider Numbers for pharmacists prompts plea for Guild president to lobby Health Minister  Pharmacy Guild of Australia national president, Professor Trent Twomey, is being …

Negotiations to deliver the Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement are continuing as 1 March deadline looms  With the government’s deadline to implement a new Community Pharmacy Agreement (CPA) fast approaching, Professor …

Government kicks off new ‘Beforeplay’ campaign to boost testing for sexually transmitted infections   Australians are being urged to undergo regular testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in response to …