Preparing for the change
Reminder to be ready for Schedule 3 modified release paracetamol Pharmacists are being reminded to prepare for the change in classification of all modified release paracetamol products from Schedule 2 …
S3 cannabidiol proposal
TGA scheduling delegate proposes pharmacist-only dispensing of low-dose cannabidiol The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Joint scheduling committee is set to hear a delegate-initiated proposal to allow pharmacist-only supply of low …
Change on the agenda
Sildenafil, cannabidiol and ibuprofen among those to be considered for rescheduling Australia’s medicine scheduling body is to consider another request to have sildenafil (Viagra) rescheduled. The June joint meeting of …
Caffeine cutback
Tight scheduling restrictions are being imposed on caffeine powders Currently unregulated caffeine powders are to be included as scheduled medicines, after an interim decision announced by the Therapeutic Goods Administration …
Taking responsibility
Scheduling decisions see migraine treatments move to Pharmacist Only status, while liquid paracetamol S2 sales to be restricted from mid-year Proposed medicines scheduling changes will see the migraine treatments Sumatriptan …
Pain: the new paradigm
Has pharmacy moved on from the codeine upscheduling? Our panel talks about the new paradigm in pain management by pharmacists In the second of our podcasts on pain treatment and …
The question of pain
In the first of a two-part series, Carlene McMaugh talks to a range of pharmacy experts about pain management. In particular we look at the impact of scheduling changes – …
Pharmacy-only NSAIDs: is it time?
Stakeholders have suggested that NSAIDs could be moved to pharmacy-only in a bid to avoid interactions such as the “triple whammy” with diuretics and ACE inhibitors Macquarie University researcher Dr …
The top ten
What were the ten most clicked stories on the AJP website over the last month? Regulatory and legal issues, Chemist Warehouse, scheduling changes and flu vaccines head up the list …
Keeping it in pharmacy
Scheduling committee to decide on making some paracetamol products Pharmacist Only The TGA has requested that its scheduling committee examine whether a certain category of paracetamol medicine be upscheduled to …