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Reminder to be ready for Schedule 3 modified release paracetamol   Pharmacists are being reminded to prepare for the change in classification of all modified release paracetamol products from Schedule 2 …

TGA scheduling delegate proposes pharmacist-only dispensing of low-dose cannabidiol The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Joint scheduling committee is set to hear a delegate-initiated proposal to allow pharmacist-only supply of low …

Sildenafil, cannabidiol and ibuprofen among those to be considered for rescheduling  Australia’s medicine scheduling body is to consider another request to have sildenafil (Viagra) rescheduled. The June joint meeting of …

Tight scheduling restrictions are being imposed on caffeine powders Currently unregulated caffeine powders are to be included as scheduled medicines, after an interim decision announced by the Therapeutic Goods Administration …

Scheduling decisions see migraine treatments move to Pharmacist Only status, while liquid paracetamol S2 sales to be restricted from mid-year Proposed medicines scheduling changes will see the migraine treatments Sumatriptan …

Has pharmacy moved on from the codeine upscheduling? Our panel talks about the new paradigm in pain management by pharmacists In the second of our podcasts on pain treatment and …

New proposals may see pharmacists dispensing downscheduled allergic rhinitis, migraine treatments, while caffeine powders are to be effectively banned The TGA’s medicine scheduling committee is set to rule on proposals …

In the first of a two-part series, Carlene McMaugh talks to a range of pharmacy experts about pain management. In particular we look at the impact of scheduling changes – …

Stakeholders have suggested that NSAIDs could be moved to pharmacy-only in a bid to avoid interactions such as the “triple whammy” with diuretics and ACE inhibitors Macquarie University researcher Dr …

What were the ten most clicked stories on the AJP website over the last month? Regulatory and legal issues, Chemist Warehouse, scheduling changes and flu vaccines head up the list …

Mometasone to remain a mostly prescription product after downscheduling application is knocked back TGA regulators have rejected a proposal to move the corticosteroid mometasone to become a Schedule 3 product. …

Scheduling committee to decide on making some paracetamol products Pharmacist Only The TGA has requested that its scheduling committee examine whether a certain category of paracetamol medicine be upscheduled to …