Posts in tag

sexual health

Disruptive technology can help improve the patient experience, write Liam Murphy and Jackie Eyles There is no denying that the status quo of current healthcare practice is in the grip …

Positive strides have been made in the immunisation of Australian girls against HPV, according to a new AIHW report The school-based National HPV Vaccination Program for girls began in 2007, and …

It can be hard to work out what’s normal when it comes to menstruation, write Dr Esther Lau and Professor Lisa Nissen For many women, “that time of the month” …

Women in New Zealand will now be able to buy some oral contraceptives over the counter The Medicines Classification Committee recommendation follows an application by Green Cross Health and Natalie …

A new health campaign targeting gay men is seeking to raise awareness about new approaches to HIV prevention that don’t always involve condoms Launched today by ACON, NSW’s HIV prevention, …

A new type of reversible, non-hormonal male contraceptive has been found to work reliably in primates Known as Vasalgel, the contraceptive works by blocking the vas deferens (the tube that …

Louis Roller takes a look at the issue of sexually transmitted infections Sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STDs or STIs) include: HIV, hepatitis B, chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis as well …

New national statistics released from the Australasian Sexual Health and HIV & AIDS Conferences reveal that HIV in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is at an all time high, …

One in twenty young Aussies has chlamydia, and most of them don’t know it, new figures show. The latest annual reports about sexually transmitted diseases in Australia show that at …

Viiv and NAPWHA launch a free app to help Australians with HIV which could help improve medicines compliance ViiV Healthcare in collaboration with the National Association of People with HIV …

A unique 21-year study of more than 2.4 million cases of infectious disease across Australia reveals a major social divide where being poorer, living remotely or being an Indigenous Australian …

Here’s how pharmacists could have better handled Christie Hayes’ requests for emergency contraception, writes Jarrod McMaugh A few days ago, MamaMia published an article written by Christie Hayes describing her …