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WHO and FIP jointly call for pharmacists to be upskilled to effectively deliver tobacco cessation interventions Pharmacists can play an important role in tobacco cessation because they collectively reach millions …

Well-meaning laws making nicotine vaping products prescription-only are fueling the black market trade in vapes, a National Party MP claims  Efforts to restrict access to vaping products will do little …

Senate hears which state continues to require pharmacies to have a tobacco license to supply vaping products, while the first fine for inappropriate promotion is issued   The first fine has …

Much work remains to be done ahead of the 1 October start of Prescription-only e-cigarette sales, with tobacco licenses for pharmacies not ruled out Many of the regulations and requirements …

ED cream mistakenly prescribed for dry eye; pharmacy staff keep Irish Minister safe; cigarette sales banned in New York pharmacies Glasgow, UK: A Glasgow woman suffered chemical injuries after being …

Could restricting tobacco sales to only pharmacies, combined with cessation advice in these settings, accelerate progress towards a tobacco-free future? New Zealand researchers have aimed to quantify the impacts of …

Confusion reigns over advice and information about the sale of e-cigarettes and how to handle customer enquiries Australian pharmacists are unsure with how to proceed in offering information about e-cigarettes …

The USA considers real-time opioid monitoring; Lloydspharmacy employees demanded to pay bonuses back; Indian pharmacist attacked after patient death Washington, USA: New legislation that would create a nationwide alert system …

Quit Victoria and PSA are joining forces to utilise the power of pharmacists to help people quit smoking Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in Victoria and 80% …

When it comes to drugs Aussies – especially teens – are healthier than ever, according to the latest National Drug Strategy Household Survey The National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS) …

What was announced on Tuesday night was a ‘medicine’ budget – not a health budget, argue advocates for prevention The Public Health Association of Australia has expressed disappointment in what …

In the wake of the TGA’s decision to maintain a ban on nicotine for e-cigarettes, research shows such restrictive environments inhibit smokers’ attempts to quit A study published this week …