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British GPs have hit out at England’s national pharmacy flu vaccination service, which they say will confuse patients and make more work for GPs. The UK’s Pharmaceutical Services Negotiation Committee …

Victoria is leading the nation for full three-dose coverage of the HPV vaccine among 15-year-olds, new figures reveal. New figures by the National HPV Vaccination Program Register show that for …

University of Queensland researchers are hoping to examine parents’ fears about childhood vaccinations by conducting an Australia-wide survey. A team from UQ’s Parenting and Family Support Centre is asking parents to participate …

The Lung Foundation is urging Australians to become more aware of the potentially life-threatening disease pneumonia, and encouraging vaccination. Fewer than one in seven Australian adults at risk of pneumonia …

With two influenza vaccine formulations available this winter, NPS MedicineWise is reporting a spike in calls to its Medicines Line from consumers confused about the difference between the two options, …

Grant Kardachi has outlined several exciting opportunities for pharmacy, in opening the Offshore Conference in Berlin: the Health Destination Pharmacy initiative, pharmacists in GP settings, pharmacy vaccination and the PSA-RPS …

Inner North West Melbourne Medicare Local today offered flu vaccinations with a cup of coffee and a couple of biscuits for $12, as it held its second Vaccination Café. The …

South Australian health minister Jack Snelling has encouraged Australians in his state to be vaccinated against flu, announcing that more than 50 pharmacists in South Australia can administer the flu …

A new shingles vaccine has proven almost completely effective in preventing the condition, according to research published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The research shows that the vaccine, …

The Federal Government has announced it will end the one remaining religious exemption on children’s vaccinations for access to family payments. Parents will no longer be able to continue to …

A call by doctor groups to “take a stand” against pharmacist vaccination is puzzling, says Tim Logan, Queensland Branch President of the Pharmacy Guild and leader of the Queensland Pharmacist …

A group of primary care organisations have banded together to discourage pharmacy vaccination. The group, comprising the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), the Australian Medical Association (AMA), the …