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Rapid increases to the RPMA could see regional pharmacies that receive funding come under the microscope, Guild warns  Owners of pharmacies receiving the Regional Pharmacy Maintenance Allowance (RPMA) are being …

As the scope and range of pharmacist-administered medicines by injection evolves around the country, so too does the level of responsibility and potential risk to the administering pharmacist, and to …

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine schedule became a one-dose schedule in February 2023, with catch-up as a single dose extended to all Australians aged 25 and younger under the National …

Banner group cements “reputation as one of Australia’s leading community pharmacy networks,” CEO John Cullity tells AGM TerryWhite Chemmart (TWC) has cemented its reputation as one of Australia’s leading community …

Developing news around pharmacy’s role in the COVID-19 vaccination program dominated the news cycle during the week All eligible community pharmacies across Australia were finally the green light to join …

A homage to pharmacy in 2019, written by Stephanie McGrath On the first day of Christmas what happened in pharmacy?  Influenza vaccinations for free* On the second day of Christmas …

Another prominent GP has criticised pharmacist vaccinations, calling the expanded NSW program “shortsighted” In late October, the NSW Government announced that it would expand pharmacist vaccination beyond protection from the …

One flu expert has shed some light on one of the reasons pharmacists don’t have access to NIP flu vaccines Recently Pharmacy Guild Victorian Branch president Anthony Tassone spoke out …

AJP speaks with the owners of a travel destination pharmacy, who share their most commonly encountered concerns and recommended items New research shows that Australian travellers are losing holiday time …

They are in some parts of the profession, according to the latest UTS Pharmacy Barometer This year’s Barometer initiative run by UTS, QuintilesIMS and Bankwest found the idea of professional services …

Pharmacists could administer more vaccines than those currently delivered in the community setting, the final report on Stage One of the QPIP initiative suggests. The QPIP pilot demonstrated that a …