Health Check: is man flu real? Sergio Diez Alvarez, University of Newcastle “Man flu” is a colloquial term based on the idea that men respond to symptoms of the common …

Heart disease remains the leading single cause of death in Australia and yet mortality is only part of the picture, writes Leanne Philpott Many men living with long-term cardiovascular disease …

The link between chronic pain and depression: which comes first? Michael Vagg, Barwon Health It’s easy to imagine that people with persistent pain have cause to become depressed. After all, …

It’s important to remind everyone why pharmacy is important, says David Quilty, Guild national executive director The community pharmacy sector this year faces a formal review being undertaken by the …

How to pick the good from the bad smartphone health apps Carol Maher, University of South Australia With an estimated 100,000 health and fitness apps available on the two leading …

It’s time for pharmacists to speak up about the benefits of harm minimisation, writes Angelo Pricolo Many issues were discussed at the 2 March 2016 Drug Summit organised by the …

We need to better detect depression but that shouldn’t mean more medication Christopher Davey, University of Melbourne About 4% of Australians have suffered from depression in the past 12 months, …

Science or Snake Oil: can a detox actually cleanse your liver? Nick Fuller, University of Sydney This is the first article in our new ongoing series Science or Snake Oil. …

Asthma is a chronic and common disease, affecting one in 10 people in Australia, writes Leanne Philpott. It’s a significant cause of illness and poor quality of life and yet …

PDL has already received reports of dispensing errors from pharmacists lacking awareness of the recent additions to the available range of strengths for Norspan patches and Targin tablets. Norspan is …

While most pharmacies offer advice, most don’t use the pharmacist to do this Instead pharmacists dispense and the retail assistant gives the advice. This has to change says business advisor …

One of the most precious assets in any pharmacy is the confidential data held on patients, medicines and business operations… and protecting that data from attack is therefore a priority …