Pharmacists are being urged to take advice from “modern day philosopher, Taylor Swift”, and “shake off” attacks from the medical profession’s peak bodies  Criticism of pharmacist prescribing pilots by the …

Health professionals need to focus on delivering the “best outcomes for communities,” rather than engaging in turf wars, Senator Anne Ruston, the Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care, believes   …

Australia’s political leaders are being urged to keep their word and retain the current pharmacy ownership and location rules, in the face of calls for deregulation from the Productivity Commission  …

Improvements to community pharmacists pay and conditions are needed before they take on new tasks such as prescribing, Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) says  Data from a survey of PPA members shows that …

Authorising pharmacists to prescribe will expose employee pharmacists to “significant risks”, while delivering “poor patient health outcomes”, GPs warn  In a statement responding to workforce capacity concerns raised by Professional …

Pharmacy’s location and ownership rules designed to boost accessibility may be falling short of their original purpose, the Productivity Commission believes Australian governments are being urged to review the current …

Personal and family circumstances is the top factor influencing pharmacy owners’ decisions to sell their stores, a survey reveals  The results of the latest edition of the Attain Pharmacy Market Sentiment …

Blooms the Chemist is hoping that B Corp certification will help make the group stand out from other pharmacy brands in the race to secure talent  Following an 18-month assessment …

Australians looking to access supplies of diabetes medication Ozempic (semaglutide) are being urged not to source the drug online  Patients turning to Google to find supplies of Ozempic are putting …

Lengthy migration and registration processes need to be addressed to help attract suitably trained GPs to Australia, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners believes  In a submission to the …

State and territory governments are being urged to following NSW and Queensland in conducting pharmacist prescribing trials  Pharmacists’ and nurse practitioners’ skills are being underutilised, while GPs are performing tasks …

Pharmacy owners need to take steps to strengthen consumer loyalty combat the impacts of rising inflation, experts warn  Community pharmacies are starting to see the combined effects of measures taken …