Australian businesses are facing challenging times, with credit reporting agency, CreditorWatch forecast a risk in defaults over the next 12 months  Business owners should review their credit risk management processes …

Proposed changes to paracetamol pack sizes are “unlikely to significantly impact the harms from overdose”, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) warns  While welcoming the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s …

Pharmacists will need to pay close attention to regulatory compliance requirements as the federal government aims to make Australia “the most cyber secure nation in the world by 2030”, an …

Negotiations between National Pharmacies and Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) are improving, but union leaders say they will take industrial action, as enterprise agreement talks continue  Members of the employee pharmacists’ …

With the ‘carrot’ of protecting workers’ rights failing to attract new members, some unions want a ‘stick’ to coax employees who benefit from pay deals into joining their organisations Union …

Only those who can afford to pay will benefit from Tasmania’s new continued dispensing measures, rural pharmacists warn  The program, which allows community pharmacists to provide patients with full supplies …

Legislation put before the Senate this week could pave the way for medicinal cannabis products to be listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)  Under the proposed Improving Access to …

Pharmacy owners convicted of defrauding the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) will no longer be able to retain their Section 90 approval under proposed legislation  The National Health Amendment (Effect of …

Breaches of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are proving costly for complementary medicines firm, Contract Manufacturing and Packaging Services Pty Ltd  The Sydney-based business has been handed 12 infringement notices totalling …

Calls for the introduction of 60-day dispensing “would be a disaster for community pharmacy”, readers of the AJP warn  With double dispensing back on the government’s agenda in the lead-up …

Pharmacists have the skills and knowledge to prescribe antibiotics responsibly, Dr Fei Sim, the president of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) believes  Speaking during a webinar hosted by the …

Days after the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) announced it would not participate in the development of accreditation standards for pharmacist prescriber training, a public consultation process has …