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Pharmacist Dimi Hoppe provides a detailed overview of real time prescription monitoring across Australia While all Australian states and territories have agreed to participate in a national real time prescription …

Despite a ministerial apology, and subsequent National Action Plan, women with endometriosis continue to experience delayed diagnosis, ongoing pain and indifference Endometriosis is a debilitating, chronic condition that affects 200 …

Numerous studies have shown pharmacists are well placed to support sleep health. However, what is the true depth and feasibility of their role in this area? We are now more …

John Jackson and Harry Al-Wassiti from Monash University look at the many ways pharmacists could already be helping with the rollout Under Australia’s original COVID-19 vaccination rollout plan, community pharmacies …

Considering the key factors involved in proton pump Inhibitor therapy may assist pharmacists in initiating successful step-down attempts Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is a common complaint among the general community. …

Should pharmacists be mandated to supply medicines such as emergency contraceptives despite their personal beliefs?  CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION: The case for, by Leo Hamulczyk It is often assumed that conservative people, …

A new report has laid bare the anger and frustration that many pharmacists are feeling about their pay and conditions. How can the profession respond? In March 2021, the union …

One year on from the launch of electronic prescriptions in Australia where are we at now? And what are the next steps? Was it only a year ago that Australia’s …

With mounting evidence supporting the influence of the gut microbiome, more people want to know how they can improve their gut health Knowledge about the human gut microbiome has increased …

How have students been involved in Australia’s high-stakes vaccination rollout? Alex Vo is 21. He’s a Monash pharmacy student in his fourth year – and, suddenly, also a key foot-soldier …

Despite regulatory changes to codeine, pharmacists continue to play a vital role in the safe and appropriate use of analgesics As our knowledge of pain has progressed, we now recognise …

Jamie Triccas, University of Sydney, looks at the third vaccine for which Australia has a deal As AstraZeneca is no longer the preferred vaccine for Australian adults under 50, attention …