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When the media pokes fun at someone’s lifestyle, it’s harder for the next person to get COVID tested, write Clare Southerton and Marianne Clark from UNSW In countries like Australia …

Western Sydney pharmacists Curtis and Margaret Ruhnau undertook a total rebuild during the pandemic, and survived while retaining their community focus It’s now cliché that 2020 brought more than its …

Pharmacists have a crucial role to play in identifying fungal infections and educating patients on the best course of treatment It’s commonplace for people to visit their local pharmacy seeking …

Why does this keep happening? asks Michael Toole, Burnet Institute Here’s a newspaper headline from May 27, 2020: “Worker at Melbourne quarantine hotel tests positive for COVID-19”. And here’s one …

The decision to make nicotine-containing e-cigarettes Prescription-Only from October places pharmacists at the frontline of counselling on a highly controversial product In late December, the TGA confirmed its decision on …

Here’s why it’s still too soon, write Stephen Bright, from Edith Cowan University and Martin Williams, from Monash University While the public focus remains on COVID vaccines, the Therapeutic Goods …

Are pharmacists equipped to deliver weight management services and, if so, what does a best-practice model look like? Australia’s rising obesity rates place a significant burden on the public health …

The stress of COVID has seen a spike in people seeking help with mental health issues, while calls to the Pharmacists’ Support Service (PSS) reveal anxiety levels among pharmacists themselves …

Sydney and Toronto pharmacy and wider health experts look at a pressing issue: the COVID-19 vaccine by Joel Lexchin, University of Toronto; Barbara Mintzes, University of Sydney; Kellia Chiu, University …

But jumping the queue comes at a price, write Australian and Canadian pharmacists by Barbara Mintzes, University of Sydney; Joel Lexchin, University of Toronto; Kellia Chiu, University of Sydney, and …

Make no bones about it; pharmacists play an important role in reducing people’s risk of falls and bone fractures through targeted advice and interventions Falls are common causes of unintended …

Managing sports injuries correctly, using the proper protocols and appropriate dressing, can enhance wound healing and support a speedy recovery Australia is a nation of sports lovers. In fact, 80% …