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With national e-prescribing on the horizon, is pharmacy ready for the next big wave of technological change? Sydney pharmacy proprietor Nick Logan met a pharmacist from Sweden at a social …

Vincent Ho from Western Sydney University looks at a colourful problem It’s happened to many of us at some point in our lives: we finish our bowel movement, look down …

We could be serving them better, writes Nicole Sadler, from the University of Melbourne A career in the Australian Defence Force (ADF), or the armed forces in any country, can …

Pharmacists and other health professionals provide a crucial role in supporting people who are struggling with mental illness or at risk of suicide Lauren* struggled in secret for years with …

Jurisdictions in the United States are re-examining the role of the pharmacist in contraception, writes Sarah Lynch, Binghamton University, State University of New York Almost 50% of pregnancies in the …

No, the sky didn’t fall in, write Rose Cairns, University of Sydney and Nicholas Buckley, University of Sydney Fears switching the painkiller codeine to a prescription only medicine would lead …

There’s a lot of hype about probiotics – and consumer interest is outrunning their understanding of the evolving science Probiotics—and prebiotics—are a growing and swiftly-evolving product segment in Australia, with …

The new Queensland pharmacist prescribing trial is seen by many as a way to move Australian pharmacists away from winning the global “wooden spoon” for scope of practice. Megan Haggan …

Getting your point of sale systems working most effectively can benefit your pharmacy on a number of different levels  It goes without saying that point of sale is the crux …

Dealing with children’s pain is complex and not just a matter of assessing and treating them like a small adult When it comes to children’s pain management, the accurate assessment of …

Lauren Bloomfield from Edith Cowan University reports on the efficacy of the 2019 flu vaccine Over recent months, reports of “a horror flu season” causing serious illness and death have …

Already the 2019 flu season is shaping up to be one of the worst years on record, due to the large number of influenza cases already confirmed As early as …