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In Depth

Just how much pollution does the pharmaceutical industry generate? asks Lotfi Belkhir, McMaster University Rarely does mention of the pharmaceutical industry conjure up images of smoke stacks, pollution and environmental …

Debbie Rigby looks at the latest in research news  Dilemmas and New Paradigms in Asthma Management The goal of asthma treatment is to achieve optimal control, ie, minimizing symptoms and …

Most smokers regret ever having taken up the habit, so how can pharmacists best support people to quit? Sheshtyn Paola explores the latest research and expert advice Jessica* started smoking …

Palliative care needs to be all about the patient, writes Ben Basger Do you think palliative care is about helping people die or helping people live? If people either with …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Probiotics to prevent infantile colic A Cochrane review has concluded that there is no clear evidence that probiotics are more effective …

Is there a way to turn off the dispensary vortex vacuum? Glenn Guilfoyle thinks so “Mary” (a pseudonym ) is employed as a “forward” pharmacist at Upper Utopia West Pharmacy …

Ben Basger shares ten things to know about Influenza Influenza is a serious problem. It is estimated to be responsible for 300,000 general practitioner consultations, 18 000 hospital admissions and …

Rural pharmacy, and rural health in general, are being ignored in the current federal election campaign, says Fredrik Hellqvist Community pharmacies are critical frontline healthcare professionals which daily help to …

Pharmacists play an important role in reviewing the symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, assisting in managing the condition and identifying patients who may benefit from stepping down their PPI therapy, …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news  Relationship of inhaled long-acting bronchodilators with cardiovascular outcomes among patients with stable COPD A meta-analysis and systematic review of 43 randomized …

Sometimes the perceptions that owners have about how their pharmacy is performing may be nothing more than an illusion, say Bruce Annabel and Mal Scrymgeour Some years ago, we both …

Vanessa Pigrum explores some ethical questions raised in an overworked and under-funded healthcare system Australians trust pharmacists. One study ranked them the third-most trusted professionals in the country. Not just within …