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The multiplicity of differing presentations can make it difficult to ascertain what form of headache or migraine a patient is experiencing, but making the correct diagnosis is crucial for effective …

Net harm from drug use has plummeted since Portugal changed the way it tackles the problem, writes Angelo Pricolo On a rainy night in Sydney this week one man representing …

People with diabetes need a sick day management plan before they fall ill, write Esther Lau and Lisa Nissen The 2018 flu season is on track to be one of …

In the latest in our series based on 2017 UTS Pharmacy Barometer results, John Montgomery looks at how pharmacists view the riding tide of biosimilar medicines  There’s little doubt biosimilar …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Improving adherence to gout therapy This review explores the factors related to urate-lowering therapies adherence with the overall aim …

It’s important to get to the underlying causes of faecal incontinence, writes Jarrod McMaugh Incontinence is a distressing issue for individuals who experience it, as well as their family or …

All pharmacists have the opportunity to start conversations with their patients about pain, and about their analgesic medications, writes Benita Suckling Working in an opioid stewardship role, I’ve witnessed first-hand …

Codeine dependence, cannabinoids, acute dental pain and deprescribing… Debbie Rigby covers the latest research relevant to pharmacists Identifying and treating codeine dependence: a systematic review Codeine dependence is a significant …

It’s important to look into whether use of certain medicines is appropriate for people with life-limiting illnesses,writes Ben Basger Pre-existing medical conditions commonly occur in people with life-limiting illnesses. Generally, …

Does the AMA’s support for pharmacists working in general practice represent a policy shift for the doctor’s organisation, or is something else at play? asks Anthony Tassone  A recent article …

Deciding whether to purchase a business is not an easy decision, and one of the first stages is completing due diligence, writes Sarah Stoddart Deciding whether to purchase a business is …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Racial/ethnic variation and risk factors for allopurinol-associated severe cutaneous adverse reactions Analysis of US Medicaid data shows black, Asian …