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On 1 April a number of large volume drugs managed to avoid a sizable price cut, however the pharmaceutical supply chain has already suffered serious damage says Bruce Annabel. The …

Pharmacists should be grabbing opportunities to positively impact on the health of patients with both hands, write Dr Shane Jackson and Dr Chris Freeman Dr Shane Jackson, National President of …

Karalyn Huxhagen takes aim at the price war and lack of state cooperation in pharmacist immunisation Immunisation in pharmacy definitely has reached the first stage but there is more to …

Sydney intern Chrysa Giannellis, who’s keen to become HMR accredited, thinks pharmacists should be remunerated for chronic disease management and other clinical services 1. What qualifications do you have and when/where did …

Is the PhARIA system still fit for purpose? How could pharmacies host other health professionals? What could pharmacy learn from the Defence Force? Anthony Tassone takes a look at solutions …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Comparative efficacy and acceptability of 21 antidepressant drugs for the acute treatment of adults with major depressive disorder A systematic review …

Here’s a summary of what you need to know about the tax landscape in the wake of the 2018 Federal Budget, by Victoria Le from Peak Strategies 1. The Economy …

Are pharmacists too overworked and underpaid to prescribe? What would pharmacist prescribing even look like? Dr Shane Jackson and Professor Lisa Nissen answer your questions Following PSA national president Dr …

Government decision not to ban homeopathy sales from pharmacies is a mistake, argues Bruce Baer Arnold By Bruce Baer Arnold, University of Canberra Last year a review into pharmacy in Australia …

New biosimilars are set to flood into the Australian market over the next several years as patents on biologics expire… but significant concerns remain about switching A steep learning curve …

Pharmacists can work together with Muslims observing Ramadan to advise on best use of medicines and managing conditions, write Jarrod McMaugh and Fizza Mahmood Ramadan is a month when Muslims …

Every cancer patient should be prescribed exercise medicine Most doctors and nurses agree exercise is beneficial but don’t routinely prescribe exercise as part of their patients’ cancer treatment plan. Photo …