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In Depth

Two in three Australians will develop cancer before the age of 70 but with the right advice, pharmacy can help more people protect themselves from the harmful effects of UV …

With codeine-containing medicines going to prescription-only, has the time come to again restrict the sale of all ibuprofen products to pharmacies? Ron Batagol, PhC,FSHP,AGIA, Dip.Jnl. Pharmacist and Obstetric Medication and …

With pharmacists increasingly providing professional services, more than half (60%) of respondents to an AJP poll say they provide a significant amount of services for free Community pharmacy finds itself …

Have you ever had to sell something that you didn’t quite believe? Tough isn’t it, says pharmacist Peter Feros But the scenario above is what we pharmacists are being asked …

NAPSA immediate past president Shefali Parekh shares her secrets to success and advice for other young women in pharmacy In the second year of my Bachelor of Pharmacy degree I …

Direct supply is already having a negative impact on patient health, writes Paul Jaffar The issues that have been created by direct supply must be addressed by the Federal Government …

Exercise is a key part of healthy living, write Dr Esther Lau and Professor Lisa Nissen We all know exercise is good for us. However, for many of us, getting …

There are questions about some of the evidence presented to the Senate committee hearing into the effects of red tape on pharmacy rules, says Anthony Tassone   Evidence presented by Michael Rhodes …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news  Deprescribing antihyperglycemic agents in older persons This guideline provides practical recommendations for making decisions about deprescribing antihyperglycemic agents. Deprescribing …

AJP editor Chris Brooker reflects on what the rise of the super banner group may mean to community pharmacy Crosby, Stills and Nash (and Young, though he was better than …

Pharmacists can help as patients consider weight management in the New Year, write Dr Esther Lau and Professor Lisa Nissen The statistics are sobering—Australia is one of the fattest nations …

The Fair Work Commission’s (FWC) decision to reduce penalty rates continues to be contentious, particularly for pharmacy assistants—we look at what unfolded this year The FWC’s decision, which came after …