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In Depth

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest research news Is pyridoxine effective and safe for post-partum lactation inhibition? A systematic review of 7 randomised controlled trials has shown inconsistent …

Ice causes death in many ways, overdose is just one of them Most people are unaware of the severe impact ice has on the heart. from Shane Darke, UNSW …

What is your strategy? How does your performance compare to strategy? asks Glenn Guilfoyle Bruce Annabel has recently written some insightful pieces around the commercial and strategy comparisons between the so-called …

Pharmacists can play a huge role in advising new parents on feeding their baby, write Jarrod McMaugh, Adam Greco and Vanessa Kee New parenthood is a hectic time in a …

This condition is so often diagnosed incorrectly as dry eye – but how can you tell the difference? Have you heard of blepharospasm? Maybe not… but you may have seen …

What might happen if supermarkets enter the pharmacy industry? asks Michael Rhodes Much debate has arisen about what happens next in the pharmacy industry and regrettably, some think the current …

This week’s contributor wanted to remain anonymous: here, our Guest Author asks whether the Clinical Intervention scheme should exist in its current form at all A brief overview Let’s begin …

Debbie Rigby examines the latest in research news  Management of hypertension in an Australian community pharmacy setting – patients’ beliefs and perspectives This article reports on a small qualitative study …

Here is a list of ways the Pharmacy Guild has worked on the codeine issue, explains Executive Director David Quilty Dear AJP readers I must say that I find it …

Mark Blundell and Shannon Davies take a look at legislated protections for pharmacist tenants In what are challenging economic times, the article published here recently about a landlord being ordered …

Pharmacists are ideally placed to help children and their parents understand the source and severity of pain as well as presenting options to alleviate it. By Leanne Philpott Much to …

There are several very important points to make when advising on tinea treatment, writes Louis Roller Fungal infections (mycosis) are classified according to which part of the body they infect: …