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Consumers need reliable, professional advice on CMs, writes Dr Penny Caldicott The Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA) Board has watched and listened with interest to the recent debate about our …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Noninvasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Low Back Pain The American College of Physicians (ACP) have developed this …

How to slash half a billion dollars a year from Australia’s drugs bill Jonathan Karnon, University of Adelaide; Laura C Edney, University of Adelaide, and Michael Sorich, Flinders University Australia …

Kidney disease is easily missed but vital to identify, writes Jarrod McMaugh When it comes to organ function and pharmacy, there are two that impact on our day-to-day clinical roles …

Life would be so much easier—and safer—if drug packaging was designed with pharmacists in mind, writes Angelo Pricolo Sometimes we walk around the dispensary looking at things and wonder why …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Association of SGLT-2 Inhibitors and Diabetic Ketoacidosis A US position statement on the prevalence of SGLT-2–associated DKA suggests that …

Antifungals: it’s a section of the pharmacy that doesn’t have a lot of glamour, and often doesn’t attract a lot of attention Customers are often embarrassed and prefer to self-select …

Pharmacists can play a key role in helping prevent and treat vision loss, write Dr Esther Lau and Professor Lisa Nissen We rely on our eyes for many of our …

PSA national president Joe Demarte is set to discuss the implications of the Pharmacy Remuneration and Reform Review  February 2017 is an important month for PSA as the Remuneration and …

Imaging study confirms differences in ADHD brains Alison Poulton, University of Sydney The prestigious journal The Lancet has published a large study identifying differences in the brains of people diagnosed …

How often do you think about how your patients experience your pharmacy? asks Sabrine Elkhodr On a sunny morning last September, my family and I were packing into the car …

Which supplements work? New labels may help separate the wheat from the chaff Ken Harvey, Monash University New proposals from Australia’s drug regulator should give you a better idea if …