In Depth
Of pomades & bear’s grease
Modern manscaped metrosexuals were not the first to males to use complex cosmetics. Ralph Tapping explores historic examples of male hair-care products Bear’s grease was popular in England from the …
Clinical tips: heart health
Pharmacists should be expected to advise on how medicines and lifestyle impact heart health, writes Louis Roller Cardiovascular disease continues to have a major effect on the health of Australians …
Identifying the opportunity
Community pharmacy needs to embrace screening and risk assessment, says PSA national president Joe Demarte Screening and risk assessment is a new and emerging health related area that community pharmacy …
Maximising your DAA business
Even if you think you can’t grow it more, there are ways to increase your DAA business, writes Stephenie Shea As traditional pharmacy revenue streams decline in value, community pharmacies …
Research roundup
Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Faecal Microbiota Transplantation in Clostridium difficile Infection: Evidence and Indications Faecal microbiota transplantation aims to rapidly restore the normal diverse colonic …
How multi-millionaire pharmacists manage their time
Australian pharmacy is currently experiencing unprecedented market conditions, so how do you survive, asks Linda Miller? Most pharmacists recognise the golden goose is no longer laying golden eggs. But there …
This sporting life
What role can pharmacy play in sports health and physical activity promotion? Chris Brooker investigates In most community pharmacies it’s one of the categories that regularly turns over without being …
Clinical tips: multiple sclerosis
Louis Roller takes a look at multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. The cause of multiple sclerosis is unknown. It’s considered …
Flu vaccine won’t definitely stop you from getting the flu, but it’s more important than you think
Flu vaccine won’t definitely stop you from getting the flu, but it’s more important than you think While the flu vaccine cuts your chance of coming down with influenza, that’s …
Paternalistic attitudes outdated in sexual health
When it comes to sexual health, making access easier matters, writes Dr Mitchell Tanner Stigma Health thanks the authors of this piece for reviewing our new service and we do …
Sex, stigma and disruption
Disruptive technology can help improve the patient experience, write Liam Murphy and Jackie Eyles There is no denying that the status quo of current healthcare practice is in the grip …