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Pharmacists are once again being warned of malicious software threats. Here are 10 tips from Fred IT to develop a secure system in your pharmacy  Pharmacy regulators have recently reiterated …

Pharmacy is confronted by a spate of vital government reviews, says PSA national president Joe Demarte  Last month, while PSA was preparing its response to the Review of Pharmacy Remuneration …

What’s the point of paracetamol? Andrew Moore, University of Oxford Paracetamol has been around for over 50 years. It’s safe and many guidelines recommend it as the go-to treatment. At …

How could pharmacists help provide services which are scant in rural areas? wonders Karalyn Huxhagen Since the third community pharmacy agreement, the focus has been on developing professional programs including …

How price cuts impact the supply chain, by Bruce Annabel and Mal Scrymgeour The 1 October price cuts were a much less bloody affair than many had imagined. The reasons …

Pharmacy was a more labor-intensive job than it is now, and to indicate membership of the Royal Society of Apothecaries a lavishly but symbolic tile was hung outside the pharmacy …

Allergies and seasonal rhinitis are not just a minor condition that can be easily dismissed, writes Karalyn Huxhagen Spring is fast becoming summer and the hot winds and pollen in …

Weekly Dose: multiple sclerosis drug fingolimod comes from fungus Chinese medicine calls ‘eternal youth’ Jodie Hillen, University of South Australia Fingolimod is a drug used to treat multiple sclerosis (MS), …

A review of pharmacy funding and practice is timely, says SHPA CEO Kristin Michaels Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley has stated on a number of occasions that one of the …

Here’s why we need to end any tension between hospital and community pharmacists, writes Matthew Tom What’s better, hospital or community pharmacy? I’ve practiced in both so people often ask …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news related to pharmacy Management of Rhinosinusitis Rhinosinusitis is characterised by symptomatic inflammation of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses …

Here are a few thoughts on optimising lung health, writes Ben Basger We know that cognitive and physical impairment (such as manual dexterity, visual issues and the inspiratory force able …