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In Depth

Headlines can cast undeserved shade onto pharmacy, writes Jarrod McMaugh—and the issue of kids and cough medicine is a good example The Royal Children’s Hospital recently released an editorial document …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest research relevant to pharmacy Implementation of asthma guidelines to West Australian community pharmacies A controlled study across 336 metropolitan pharmacies located in …

The long-awaited pharmacy remuneration and regulation discussion paper has raised a lot of questions about how pharmacy operates, but what will be its answers? The Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation (King) …

Australians need to be encouraged to make the time for screening programs, writes Karalyn Huxhagen Pink October is a major event to raise the awareness of all cancers that affect …

Weekly Dose: cannabis has been used medicinally for millennia, why is legalising it taking so long? Betty Chaar, University of Sydney Cannabis has a long history, and its misuse hangs …

Formal training programs will boost the expansion of pharmacists’ roles says Kristin Michaels, CEO of the SHPA    The lack of formal or structured experiential training programs post-registration has potentially …

Making use of your pharmacy’s data is less daunting than it may look, writes Guy Mckenzie It’s hard to turn from what you know. It seems to be when someone …

The latest in research news from Debbie Rigby Effects of the Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet and Sodium Intake on Serum Uric Acid In this small (n=103) randomised …

Lead organisations are beginning to grasp the extent of dissatisfaction with the current state of remuneration among employee pharmacists Are you happy with your pay rate? If the answer is …

The much delayed Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation Discussion Paper has finally arrived, writes Joe Demarte The paper contains an extensive list of 140 questions on a whole range …

Weekly Dose: penicillin, the mould that saves millions of lives Sergio Diez Alvarez, University of Newcastle In developed countries, infectious diseases accounted for most deaths until very recently. And in …

Interns aren’t just a low-priced replacement pharmacist or dispensary tech, writes Elise Apolloni Intern pharmacists are quite possibly the most rewarding part of my job as a community pharmacist and …